



Zoologists are biologists who study a variety of animal species. Those studies can include researching animal behaviors and characteristics, and how they interact with their ecosystems. Zoologists may be involved in research, animal management, or education.

Zoologists may specialize in a branch of the field that is concerned with a related group of animals, such as mammalogy (mammals), herpetology (reptiles), ichthyology (fish), or ornithology (birds). Zoologists may also specialize even further by concentrating on the study of a single species.

Zoologist Duties & Responsibilities

The duties of a zoologist generally include the following:

  • Designing and conducting research projects and studies of animals
  • Studying the characteristics of animals and their behaviors
  • Collecting and analyzing biological data and specimens
  • Writing papers, reports, and articles that explain research findings
  • Ensuring animal welfare through various initiatives
  • Educating the public on animal welfare and wildlife conservation
  • Promoting conservation efforts
  • Assisting with captive breeding programs

Zoologists often work in conjunction with zookeepersveterinariansmarine biologists, and wildlife biologists to properly manage animal populations in captivity and in the wild. Zoologists may also take on keeper and curator roles in some zoological parks.

Zoologist Salary

The salary for zoologists may vary based on factors such as the type of employment, level of education completed, and duties required by their specific position. Zoologists with graduate degrees or with specialized knowledge tend to earn higher salaries in the field.

  • Median Annual Salary: $62,290 
  • Top 10% Annual Salary: $99,700
  • Bottom 10% Annual Salary: $39,620

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017

Education, Training, & Certification

Zoologists must have at least a bachelor's degree to enter the profession. Graduate-level degrees, such as a master's or a Ph.D., are generally preferred and often required for advanced research or teaching positions.

The major for an aspiring zoologist is usually biology, zoology, or a closely related field. Many undergraduates earn their initial bachelor's degree in biology before focusing on zoology during their graduate-level studies.

Courses in biology, anatomy and physiology, chemistry, physics, statistics, communications, and computer technology are required for the pursuit of any degree in the biological sciences.

Zoologists may also need to take additional courses in animal science, veterinary science, animal behavior, animal husbandry, and ecology to complete their degree requirements.

Zoologist Skills & Competencies

Zoologists need the following traits in order to perform their duties:

  • Communication skills: Zoologists must be able to write effective research papers and reports. They also need to communicate verbally and in writing with the public, policymakers, and other stakeholders.
  • Observation skills: It's critical to notice slight changes in an animal’s behavior or appearance and observe a variety of elements in animals' surroundings.
  • Critical-thinking skills: Zoologists must be able to draw conclusions from experiments, research results, and scientific observations.
  • Problem-solving abilities: Zoologists must find solutions to help protect animals and wildlife from possible threats.
  • Comfort with technology: Being tech savvy is a plus because zoologists often use highly specialized scientific equipment and data management software during the course of their research activities.


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